ABOUT MY SUMMER (Explanatory Post)

So I'm assuming there will be two different groups of people reading this blog (for the most part). There will be..

1) People who are interested in applying for NSLI-Y [Korea] and want to know more about the whole experience/what it's like

2) Friends and family who are just interested in what I'll be doing this summer in Korea but don't really know much about what I'm doing

I'm pretty sure those who fall into the first group know a good amount about NSLI-Y and will understand what I'm talking about in my posts. I'm not sure if my friends and family know much about what exactly I'll be doing so this post is mostly for them. I just want to explain some things I'll probably mention a lot in my posts so you're not confused!

•NSLI-Y: This is the scholarship I received, funded by the Department of State, and stands for National Security Language Initiative for Youth. I explained more about what NSLI-Y is on the "About NSLI-Y " page on my blog.

•iEARN: The implementing organization for my trip. While NSLI-Y is the scholarship, it's not an actual exchange organization. iEARN is my assigned [implementing] exchange organization- they're in charge of a lot of the planning, especially on the US side.

•PDO: This stands for pre-departure orientation. Before heading to Korea, we will spend 2 days in NYC at Columbia University for orientation. iEARN will run this and will prepare us for culture shock, etc...

•YES International: They're the exchange organization who is more in charge of the Korean side of things.

•Host Family: Who I will be living with while in Korea. They're a super kind family willing to take in a teenage girl for the summer.

•Supporter: A Korean college student [who also speaks English] that will show us around the city twice a week. I really like how the Korea program does this- we, the students, will be put in small groups then be assigned a "supporter" who takes us to different places and will just be there to help us during the program. I'm super excited about this and can't wait to meet all of the supporters! ^^

•Sogang University (서강대학교): The college I will be taking [Korean] classes at in Seoul, South Korea. 

•Seoul: The capital of South Korea and a big city.  It's like NYC but supposedly cleaner haha. It's split into districts so I'll update this when I find out exactly where in Seoul I'll be living.

*I will be going with 49 other students from all over the US*

~ The reason I am going to South Korea is because I received a scholarship to study the language. It's not just a free trip to have fun and do whatever I want there. I'm super excited and can't wait to embark on this journey and share it with all of you! Thanks for your interest and thank you to everyone who has been so excited for me 

But wow... I can't believe it's almost here...

• Host family info in about a week! (AH SO EXCITED FOR THIS!)
•PDO in 17 days!!
•Korea in 19 days!!!!!

★Don't forget you can subscribe(?) to my blog by email! Just simply enter your email in the side bar where it says "Follow Me By Email." You'll get an email every time I post~

★If you have any questions about NSLI-Y, my trip,  or anything at all- send me a message where it says "Questions? Contact Me Here~" which on the side as well. I promise I'll answer!

Currently playing: 눈,코,입 by 태양 (Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang)


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